Ai visat sa fii in vacanta 365 de zile pe an? Hm..... nu e posibil? Ba daaa!
Hai sa vezi cum: intr-un ansamblu rezidential situat in Nordul Capitalei cu acces facil catre majoritatea punctelor majore de interes din Nord.
ATRIA URBAN RESORT este un loc aparte care propune, celor care locuiesc aici, un altfel de viata.
Apartamentul propus de noi este special, deoarece este unul din categoria celor mai spatioase, avand 60mp utili plus un balcon. Principalul atuu sunt spatiile auxiliare din interior. Un alt beneficiu al acestui apartament este pozitionarea lui in cadrul complexului-vei vedea, la vizionare, de ce! In pretul afisat si impreuna cu apartamentul avem si un loc de parcare si dreptul de a folosi toate facilitatile resortului. Suma de plata lunara a tuturor utilitatilor si facilitatilor resortului sunt rezonabile, dar nu sunt incluse in pretul afisat al chiriei.
Ca tot am adus vorba de Atria Urban Resort, acesta este un resort, nu un ansamblu rezidential clasic. De ce? In primul rand datorita conceptului urbanistic unic in piata rezidentiala din Bucuresti, cladiri cu regim mic de inaltime, cu distante mari intre acestea si FOAARTE MULT SPATIU VERDE in jurul acestora. Atria Urban Resort are pentru locuitorii sai un parc propriu, locuri de joaca pentru copii, alei de promenda si pentru sport, cate o piscina exterioara pentru fiecare imobil. Acestea ar fi doar cateva din beneficiile de care te poti bucura daca vei locui aici.
Hai la vizionare si vezi daca ti se potriveste locul acesta !
Have you dreamed of being on vacation 365 days a year? Hm ..... isn't it possible? Yes!
Let's see how: in a residential complex located in the North of the Capital with easy access to most of the major points of interest in the North.
The ATRIA URBAN RESORT is a special place that offers a different life to those who live here.
The apartment proposed by us is special, because it is one of the most spacious categories, with 60sqm usable plus a balcony. The main advantage is the auxiliary spaces inside. Another benefit of this apartment is its positioning within the complex - you will see when viewing, why! Along with the apartment are a parking space and the right to use all the facilities of the resort, which is not included in the rental price.
As we talked about Atria Urban Resort, this is a resort, not a classic residential complex. Why? First of all, due to the unique urban concept in the residential market in Bucharest, buildings with a low height regime, with large distances between them and VERY MUCH GREEN SPACE around them. Atria Urban Resort has for its inhabitants its own park, playgrounds for children, promenades and sports alleys, an outdoor pool for each building. These are just some of the benefits you can enjoy if you live here.
Come watch and see if this place suits you!