Apartament de inchiriat sau de vanzare.
Locuinta este mediul in care, mai nou, ne simtim nu numai acasa dar si la servici. Adica stam acasa mai mult cu familia, dar avem si de lucru, de acasa. Asta este realitatea ! Asa ca e nevoie de spatiu, e nevoie de libertate, priveliste si o localizare foarte buna !
Hmm! E posibil? Daaaa! Va prezentam un apartament SUPERB ! 4 camere: living spatios, bucatarie mobilata si utilata, 3 dormitoare( sau 2 plus birou), 2 bai, spatii auxiliare, parcare la subsol. Si ? 2 terase cu priveliste uimitoare: una cu orientare Est si priveliste catre Bd. Kiseleff, Arcul de Triumf si Statuia Aviatorilor, cealalta cu priveliste cate Apus - wow, sa vezi cum arata apusul soarelui in Kiseleff ! Aceasta este doar o prezentare, realitatea si adevarata valoare a acestui apartament le veti vedea daca veniti pana aici. Asadar, esti la un click sau telefon distanta de apartamentul pe care il cauti ! Hai la vizionare !
Apartament is for rent and for sale.
Home is the environment in which, more recently, we feel not only at home but also at work. I mean, we stay home longer with the family, but we also have work to do, from home. That is the reality! So you need space, you need freedom, view and a very good location!
Hmm! It's possible? Yeah! We present you a SUPERB apartment! 4 rooms: spacious living room, furnished and equipped kitchen, 3 bedrooms (or 2 plus office), 2 bathrooms, auxiliary spaces, basement parking. And ? 2 terraces with amazing views: one with East orientation and views to Kiseleff Blvd and the Arc de Triomphe and the Statue of the Aviators, the other with views of West, wow! to see what the sunset looks like in Kiseleff! This is just a presentation, the reality and the true value of this apartment you will see if you come here. So, you are a click or phone away from the apartment you are looking for! Come watch!